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We wanted to know more about our anthology authors so we asked if we could pick their brains and scoop out the delicious brilliance.

Next up is Ute Orgassa, whos creepy, desolate, bleak glimpse into the future of humanity entitled "Run!" blew us away.

IP: Would you survive one of your stories in real life? Which one and how would you last? 

U: Not all my stories end in death and destruction. Out of my published ones, I think surviving Ovum would be the most likely. It concerns itself more with transformation than extinction.

IP: What is the most unconventional piece of inspiration you’ve had?

U: I think in a rather disjointed way, so all my inspiration is somewhat unconventional. I once realized, for example, that I had a perfect story for a call by listening to one of my children rant about something at school. Sometimes it really feels like I am House, M.D.

IP: How do you write? What does your ‘routine’/‘set up’ look like? Do you have a playlist?

U: I usually write at home at my desk, surrounded by my books. I need silence. Music will distract me and stop me from focusing. I write with other writers once a week at a coffee/book shop.

IP: What are you currently working on? If you're not working on anything at the moment, what work are you most proud of? (Big yourself up!)

U: I am currently working on a few different short story calls. I am very proud to have gotten 4 acceptances so far this year and hope to add to that number. I only started getting published last year and managed 3 publications in 2023. You can find my works that are out now on my website . I will add links to all future publications as soon as they are available. I also have two novella length WIPs that I hope to turn into something useful in time.

IP: What are your favourite things about the horror/writing community at the moment? 

U: That it is so alive and vibrant. There are so many good writers out there, representing all facets of humanity. It is not just the same 5 guys over and over.

IP: Who would you say is the biggest supporter of your writing? 

U: Aside from immediate family and close friends? Alan Lastufka from Shortwave was the first person who believed in me as a horror writer. I am forever grateful to him. For continued daily support I can always count on my writer friends at Pen & Pier.

IP: Why do you write?

U: I can’t not write.

IP: Name a writer that inspires you and why?

U: It is difficult to pick. There are so many! Let’s go with John Langan for the simple reason that it is just fun to see such an intelligent mind at play. I wish I had his eloquence and elegance.

IP: What would be the worst superpower to have? 

U: Being a true empath/mind reader and not being able to shut up and shut out other people’s thoughts and minds.

IP: And because we have to ask - favourite horror movie?

U: Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte

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